EBSC Background Check Policy: Ensuring the safety of our children

All coaches and trainers must comply

EBSC Background Check Policy: Ensuring the safety of our children

This season EBSC will continue to ensure the safety of the children we serve.  This policy requires that all Head Coaches, Assistant Coaches and Trainers serving our Superstars, Recreation and Travel programs, participate in a criminal background check.  This has become an accepted policy at many area soccer clubs and at other youth sports organizations, including those here in East Brunswick.  

Please note that this is a mandatory requirement and any Head Coach, Assistant Coach or Trainer who fails to complete this background check will be suspended from the Club until they are in compliance with the new policy.  If you have any questions, 
please email the club VP of Support.

To begin the coaches criminal background check process, please click

To view EBSC’s written policy, browse to the ’Forms and Documents’ link on the main page.

To read more about the importance of background checks in youth sports, please click 