Our Mission
EBSC Mission and Philosophy
East Brunswick Soccer Club (EBSC) is a 501c3 non-profit youth soccer club based in East Brunswick, New Jersey that services our local community including Milltown and South River with a youth soccer programs for boys and girls ages 2-19.
Mission Statement
· Our mission is to provide a safe and fun environment in which the youth of our community can learn and develop a love and appreciation of the game of soccer. All players participating in the programs offered by the ESBC will be required to remember that the building of character, learning, having fun, improving, participating in physical activities, and the development of responsible citizens are of primary importance, while winning games is secondary. Winning is the byproduct of an exceptional player development process.
Development for Individuals
· EBSC is committed to the long-term development of the individual- building soccer skills and character simultaneously. The combination of talented, dedicated players, supportive parents, quality coaching, and strong management equates to a successful program.
Travel Program Mission Statement
· The mission of the EBSC’s Travel Soccer Program is to provide a highly competitive and demanding environment for players who are committed and have a burning desire to improve and reach the next level.
Recreation Program Mission Statement
· The mission of the EBSC recreational youth soccer program is to provide a learning environment emphasizing fun, deliberate play, and health and fitness. Our grassroots programs emphasize individual skill development, developing basic principles of play, and encouraging players to take individual initiative in game-like situations. At U13 players continue to learn basic principles of play in fun, social setting as they transition to 11 v 11.
Player Development Philosophy
· To develop players to the best of their abilities by providing a player development pathway that focuses on building the foundation of success- measured not by wins and losses- but by how much a player improves at each level.
Successful EBSC Player has/is
· A love for the beautiful game
· Sportsmanship for their teammates and opponents
· Respect for coaches, referees, parents and other players
· A will to succeed
· An ability to deal with adversity
· Is a leader
· Is confident on and off the field
· The ability to problem solve through creativity, collaboration, and innovation.
Coaching Development Philosophy
· To empower coaches by providing a robust environment for coaches- both paid and volunteer- to develop through education and mentorship in order to succeed in becoming role models for fair play, sportsmanship, respect, and teamwork, and by implementing the highest learning standards for youth players based on the EBSC Curriculum, the US Youth Soccer Player Development Model, and 2017 US Soccer Player Development Initiatives.