Equipment Needed
Welcome new Parents! It gets a little overwhelming as to what you will need to play soccer. So, we've tried to make it a bit easier for you.
Each player needs to purchase the following equipment as it is not supplied by the Club:
- Soccer Cleats - soccer cleats are specifically designed for grass play. The difference between soccer cleats and any other sport cleat (football, baseball, lacrosse) is that soccer cleats DO NOT HAVE a cleat in the top middle of the shoe. This protects players
from injuries.
- Shin guards - shin guards are designed for one thing - to protect your shins when you are getting kicked by someone trying to take the ball away from you. Shin guards are based on the players height. Please read the packaging to determine the proper size.
- Soccer ball - You can't play soccer without a soccer ball. Every child should bring a soccer ball to practice and the games (for warm-ups). The proper ball size (3, 4, 5) is determined by your child's age. You want the proper ball size to help your child control the ball and grow with their skills and confidence. The proper size ball per age grouping is as follows:
* Size 3 - ages 2.5 - 7
* Size 4 - ages 8 - 12
* Size 5 - ages 13 - Adult