The East Brunswick Soccer Club is committed to supporting our community The Township of East Brunswick and its residents and especially our players, coaches and parents. The notes below do not represent an endorsement on the part of the club but rather are included here as a public service to make EBSC and our broader community a better place to be.

The East Brunswick Soccer Club is committed to supporting our community The Township of East Brunswick and its residents and especially our players, coaches and parents. The notes below do not represent an endorsement on the part of the club but rather are included here as a public service to make EBSC and our broader community a better place to be.

The East Brunswick Soccer Club is committed to supporting our community The Township of East Brunswick and its residents and especially our players, coaches and parents. The notes below do not represent an endorsement on the part of the club but rather are included here as a public service to make EBSC and our broader community a better place to be.