Team Information
Team Information
EBSC has two levels of play, Premier Teams, and Championship Teams.
Uniforms Cost:
The uniform fee is from the third party we contract out to provide uniforms to the club. The uniforms are on a two-year cycle (currently ordering new uniforms in odd years)
Training Cost:
SST is the EBSC professional training group that handles all practices and coaching responsibilities for our Premier teams. Depending on the level of travel (Premier or Travel) that your child is selected, will determine the cost of your training for the season.
Travel Team Tryouts Reminders
- All players need to wear shin guards and soccer cleats to tryouts and bring enough water and a ball.
- Current EBSC players cannot wear any part of their travel uniform to tryouts, nor may they bring their backpacks. If a player arrives wearing any part of their uniform, or any item that designates them as being part of a current travel team, they will be asked to change. This also includes any Tournament team uniforms.
- Parents need to arrive by 1/2 hour before the start of the session on the first night of tryouts to check-in. Players that are more than 10 minutes late may not be admitted.
- Parents cannot leave the designated area for the duration of tryouts.
- Parents cannot cheer or coach from the sidelines.
EBSC Travel Soccer Policy
The EBSC Travel Soccer Policy was created to provide a set of rules and guidelines for all East Brunswick Travel Soccer Teams. Each player and parent is required to read the Policy, sign the Policy Observance Page and submit it to their coach in order to be registered for the next season.
The EBSC Travel Tryout Procedure Policy was created to define the process of forming travel teams.