Player Application Instructions and Requirements

New Jersey Youth Soccer Association (NJYSA)

Player Application Instructions and Requirements

New Jersey Youth Soccer Association (NJYSA)
Player Application Instructions and Requirements

These instructions are intended for new travel coaches who have not produced player/coach membership cards...

Got Soccer Instructions

Got Soccer Instructions

In 2010, NJYSA required all teams to register with  This system is also used to produce state rosters.

Detailed instructions for this process after the jump.

Please read the following...

Player Pass Packet Checklist

This Completed Checklist Must Be Attached When Submitting Your Package For Review!

Player Pass Packet Checklist


(EBSC Coordinator will NOT review package without this checklist attached).


Initial that the following is done:

(suggested that another person check for you)

Initial that it is completed


Birth date is accurate on the roster (ensure you use birth date…not filing date).

Player Passes

Info on pass is printed in correct location

Photo is attached or printed (If attached, need to be on the back in the upper left hand corner)

Membership Form

Membership forms are signed by parent and player

Player pass number is listed on Membership form

Include membership form for each coach.

Medical Form

NJYSA Medical form is included

Birth Certificate

Birth Certificates are all included and legible.

Coaches License

Include copy of “F” license (or higher) for each coach         

Sage Forms

SAGE forms are signed and included for player, parent and coaches

Travel Policy

Last page of travel policy is signed by each player and parent and included

Heads Up: Concussion in Youth Sports

Certificate of completion from online course available at


Forms are clipped together by group – all Membership Forms compiled together, Birth Cert, Medical Forms, SAGE forms in one bunch.


Team Name­­­­­­­­­­­­


Contact person (include name, telephone and email address)




Do you have any players playing up?

If yes, has the VP of Travel approved this situation?